State Tax
Due Dates

For all state tax-related questions and information, please contact your state office directly using the phone numbers below.

State Refund Status Hotline General Information Filing Deadlines
Alabama 1-334-353-2540 1-800-558-3912 1-334-242-1170 4/15/2013
Arizona 1-877-542-2281 1-602-255-3381 4/15/2013
Arkansas 1-501-682-1100
1-501-682-1100 (Little Rock)
1-800-882-9275 (Arkansas – Jan 1 – May 15)
California 1-800-338-0505 (in U.S.)
916-845-6500 (Outside U.S.)
1-800-852-5711 4/15/2013
Colorado 1-303-238-3278 1-303-238-7378 4/15/2013
Connecticut 1-800-382-9463 (In State)
1-860-297-5962 (From Anywhere)
(Hartford area or outside of CT) 1-800-382-9463 (Connecticut)
Delaware 1-302-577-8784 1-302-577-8200 5/1/2013
DC 1-202-727-4829 1-202-727-4829 4/15/2013
Florida 1-850-488-8937 1-800-352-3671
Georgia 1-877-GADOR11 1-404-417-4477 1-877-602-8477 4/15/2013
Hawaii 1-800-222-3229 1-808-587-4242 4/22/2013
Idaho 1-888-228-5770 1-800-972-7660 4/15/2013
Illinois 1-800-732-8866 1-800-732-8866 4/15/2013
Indiana 1-317-233-4018 1-317-232-2240 4/15/2013
Iowa 1-800-572-3944 (IA)
1-515-281-4966 (Anywhere)
1-800-367-3388 4/30/2013
Kansas 1-800-894-0318 1-785-368-8222 4/15/2013
Kentucky 1-502-564-1600 1-502-564-4581 4/15/2013
Louisiana 1-888-829-3071 1-225-219-0102 5/15/2013
Maine 1-207-626-8475 1-207-626-8475 4/15/2013
Maryland 1-410-260-7701 (Central MD)
1-800-638-2937 (Elsewhere)
1-410-260-7980 (Central MD)
1-800-638-2937 (Elsewhere)
Massachusetts 1-617-887-6367 (Anywhere)
1-800-392-6089 (MA)
1-617-887-6367 (Anywhere)
1-800-392-6089 (MA)
Michigan 1-517-636-4486 1-517-373-3200 4/15/2013
Minnesota 1-651-296-4444 (Metro)
1-800-657-3676 (Greater Minnesota)
1-651-296-3781 (Metro)
1-800-652-9094 (Greater Minnesota)
Property tax deadline 8/15/2013
Mississippi 1-601-923-7801 1-601-923-7089 4/15/2013
Missouri 1-573-526-8299 1-573-751-3505
(Refund or No Balance Due) 1-573-751-7200 (Balance Due)
Montana 1-866-859-2254 or
1-866-444-6900 (Helena)
1-866-859-2254 4/15/2013
Nebraska 1-800-742-7474 (NE & IA)
1-402-471-5729 (Anywhere)
1-800-742-7474 (NE & IA)
1-402-471-5729 (Anywhere)
New Hampshire 1-603-230-5000 1-603-230-5000 4/15/2013
New Jersey 1-800-323-4400 (NJ, NY, PA, DE, and MD)
1-609-826-4400 (anywhere)
1-609-292-6400 4/15/2013
New Mexico 1-505-827-0827 1-505-827-0827 4/15/2013
New York 1-518-457-5149 1-518-457-5181 4/15/2013
North Carolina 1-877-252-4052 1-877-252-3052 4/15/2013
North Dakota 1-701-328-1242 1-877-328-7088 (With-in ND)
(Bismark-Mandan or outside ND)
Ohio 1-800-282-1784 1-800-282-1780 4/15/2013
Oklahoma 1-800-522-8165 1-800-522-8165 4/15/2013
4/22/2013 for e-filers
Oregon 1-800-356-4222 (OR)
1-503-378-4988 4/15/2013
Pennsylvania 1-888-728-2937 1-717-787-8201 4/15/2013
Rhode Island 1-401-574-8829 1-401-574-8829 4/15/2013
South Carolina 1-803-898-5300 1-803-898-5709 4/15/2013
Tennessee 1-800-342-1003 (TN)
615-253-0600 (Anywhere)
1-800-342-1003 (TN)
615-253-0600 (Anywhere)
Utah 1-801-297-2200 (Salt Lake) 1-800-662-4335
(Outside the SLC calling area)
1-801-297-2200 (Salt Lake) 1-800-662-4335
(Outside the SLC calling area) – Both Option 0.
Vermont 1-866-828-2865 (VT) 1-802-828-2865 (Anywhere) 1-866-828-2865 (VT) 1-802-828-2865 (Anywhere) 4/15/2013
Virginia 1-804-367-2486 1-804-367-8031 5/1/2013
West Virginia 1-304-558-3333
(8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.) 1-800-982-8297
(8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.)
1-304-558-3333 (8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.) 1-800-982-8297
(8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.)
Wisconsin 1-866-WIS-RFND
1-608-266-2772 4/15/2013

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Claudia Perdomo

TaxLeaf Coral Springs

3111 N University Drive. Suite #105, Coral Springs, FL 33065

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